- Visa information
- Studying in the United States
- Scholarship and funding opportunity
- IRC services and new products
- Program opportunities
- Jos opportunities
Question 1b. Decide what is of most interest to a mobile viewer of our site.
- Visa information
- Studying in United States
- Scholarship and funding opportunities
Question 1c. Content to be remove from our regular web site.
- Regional News
- Embassy Publications (because of broad bandwith problem in Nigeria, it will be difficult for cybercafe users who are the majority of the internet usage in Nigeria to download publications with photos because of cost.)
Question 1d. My Eeperiences with the mobile site.
- The site was very difficult to navigate on the computer and it was very slow. I doubt if it will work faster than this on mobile phones.
Question 2a. Write down ideas on how web-enabled phones will change my services.
- Information will be easily accessible to anyone in any location around Nigeria that has a smart phone.
- The number of people that hit the Mission web site will increase.
- More people will be reached with out services and products.
Questions 2b. How will public diplomacy change in the future.
- More people will be well informed.
- More people will get to know the good works American Embassy is doing in Nigeria.
- More people will have first-hand information on the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria.
- More people will be able reach us not going through touts.
You're definitely thinking along the right track here!